THE world.

Artwork at a time.

Welcome to the art portfolio website of an artist, Marcin Biesek.

Are you a Bystander ?

Bystanders Series – Changi Beach, Singapore ‘2021, 152 x 111cm

Where art meets nature, and nature meets technology and politics, this is where I appear. In my work, I take up issues related to politics and show how it affects our society and our lives. I create artworks in which I show the impact of technology and human activity on the natural environment as well as contemporary problems and politics.

I like complex topics, with deep political or social content. I believe that through art I can have a real influence on society; our lifestyle, the living urban and rural spaces, the masses, including our small local communities, unravelling humanity through new lenses living in a technological and digital era.

Recent Works

I am taking on new projects. If you have any projects or want to say hi, please feel free to get in touch. If you would like to enquire about any of these artworks, please email :

→ Painting

Everyday Bystanders, Life, Nature and difficult topics. Acrylic and oil painting on canvas.

→ Sculptures / 3D works

Nature and Man, figurative forms, carved into the stone, Direct Carving, Non-Finito, Marble, Limestone, Yorkstone.

→ Art education & workshops

Stone carving workshops for children and adults (schools, universities, home-based private art tuition and team bonding workshops) Sculptural experience for adults in 3D making process. Creative art lab journey for children and adults with recycled materials sourced from the natural environment.

→ Curatorial, Editorial & Research / Wall Murals / Heritage Projects / Conservation & Restoration

Business logos on stone, school crests, decorative murals and customised painting commissions, private commissions, commercial art projects, public sculptures. Marketing, sales and promotion, art statements, social media& digital content, advertising.

15 years
of experience

Marcin Biesek is an aspiring artist who has lived in the United Kingdom and Singapore. Originally born in Gdansk, Poland. He lives with his family and enjoys long hikes, coffee, food and baking sourdough bread.

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